Joe Gould was the senior Pentagon reporter for Defense News, covering the intersection of national security policy, politics and the defense industry. He had previously served as Congress reporter.
WASHINGTON — The White House’s federal budget landed on Capitol Hill with a thud on Tuesday, and key Republicans in Congress lined up early to bash it.
Just as the Pentagon is set to unveil its budget proposal, House Armed Services Chairman Mac Thornberry is urging congressional budget writers to add as much as $23 billion to the expected request for a $525 billion base budget and a $59 billion war budget.
The Senate’s No. 2 Democrat says if House Republicans follow through on threats to raise defense spending through the wartime account known as OCO, they can expect resistance from Democrats.
WASHINGTON — House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry said his committee will introduce legislation in March aimed at making changes to the Pentagon’s buying system.
The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee indicated Monday he would seek to increase the wartime contingency fund if the Obama administration backtracks on a budget deal that boosts military spending over mandatory budget ca
WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is pressing GOP leaders to clear the Senate's many holds on civilian nominees to top national security posts, saying Republicans would rather try to embarrass President Ba Obama than make the nation safe
“This is one of the great ironies which is that the countries of the region have made the least contributions to the counter-[Islamic State] coalition, including the Gulf countries,” Carter told CNN on Sunday.
Weeks after US President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address chided Congress for criticizing his response to the Islamic State group but not authorizing his use of force against the group, the Senate may be stepping up to the plate.